Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Life in the fast lane ....

Home sweet home .... after 3 full days and nights in the big city of Puerto Vallarta ! WoW !
Still a lot of people around, and especially on the weekends, at the beach , it is packed with
locals and Mexican tourists , and they know how to have a good time.

Food everywhere.  Restaurant tables loaded up with Lobster, Shrimp, Ceviche, Tortilla Soup.
Beach Vendors selling BBQ Shrimp on a stick, Papaya and Mango on a stick, or in a bag with lime and chile, coconuts sliced open at the top with a straw to drink the water, and then chopped up to get at the sweet white meat.  It's endless and the Mexicans are in for the long haul.  Many families with their own coolers full of food, under umbrellas, laughing, eating,
singing, but always laughing.  Musicians walk the beach and play songs for tips.  In the full
sun, all dressed up in their finery, white and starched to perfection.

It can get tiresome with so much action, and then the children selling Chiclets, and the adults selling their wares, hats, sunglasses, blankets, tattoos, hair braiding, wood carvings, jewelry, you name it.  It's impossible to buy from everyone, but my visitors did do a good job distributing their pesos, and bought some lovely things.

I did my part by having a foot and leg massage !! Talk about decadent ! 
My calves can get so sore and so tight from all the up and down in Yelapa, I knew i needed a good rub down, and Rosie did an amazing job, though she did leave a little bruise.  She made sure to watch me insert her cell number into my cell phone, so I can keep in touch !

Everyone is so nice, so friendly and happy to see you.  Some are a little too pushy, but the season is winding down and there must be some anxiety about the long, slow summer months ahead.  We did unfortunately run into a couple of rotten apples !

A young show off taxi driver who couldn't find the Gallery we were going to.  Yelapa friends were having an art exhibition and Friday was the opening night.  When I finally told the driver to stop and let us out ( he just kept going around in circles) he wanted $ 200.00 pesos ! When I told him no way, and that it was less than that to get to the airport, he said
he was going to call the police.  Go ahead, I said, and I'll tell them you are not a real taxi driver.  We were drawing some attention, so i did give him $ 50.00 pesos, and we quickly turned on our heels and walked the opposite direction.

Then, needing a drink to calm our nerves, we went into a Cafe I know of close by.  The owner, a Canadian, spoke at Dear RH's funeral, where I had also been asked to read some emails, so we met there. Well, he turned out to be the nasty host you could imagine. 

We got our beers, no problem, but when the food arrived and I explained to the waiter we
didn't order an extra side of onion rings, he told me that I did, and when we were discussing this, poor Brian's Chicken Burger was the worst thing you've ever seen, so he asked for some mustard, tomatoes and lettuce, and then owner came over and began shaking his finger in my face.  We were stunned.

He said he knew we were trouble from the start, how dare I call his waiter a liar, ( which i did not do ) and for us to leave right away, or .... he would call the police !!

Innocent us, " almost arrested twice " in less than one hour !! 

Such scare tactics are certainly not good for business. Two macho men preying on tourists.
Brian told him we would tell our friends not to come here, and he said, " People like you don't have any friends " .  What a great personality for a proprietor !

I'm more than happy to share the name of the Cafe with anyone who wants to know, so they can avoid the place. 

We eventually made our way to Las Margaritas, and had a lovely time, with great service, great food, and great music.  We returned the next night for dinner, and everything was perfect, with one exception.  One of the customers fell for my girlfriend, and the waiters had
to gently, take him away, but it took a few attempts before they could pry him away. 
No hard feelings, no angry words, no calling the police.

Of course it's a running joke with us now.  Don't touch my Burrito or I'll call the police !

I expect them both to arrive in Yelapa on Thursday and stay for 2 or 3 nights.  There is a
Quincenera on Saturday night that would be fun for them to see.  I'll be going since I know the family well and they live in my Neighbourhood.  I'll be sure to tell you all about it next week. 

Until then ... be good and stay out of trouble !!


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Full Moon Rising

.... Cafe Baja closed as of today .... Tacos y Mas,  final week this week ....

I spent the day at the Cafe today, ( with a break in between to check in on the Library and
bring more donated books).  Pizota friends arrived for the occasion, and a good time was had by all.  Much praise to the staff, and salutes and salutations to the chef !
There will be the annual Flea Market/Closing Sale next week, with many locals participating ... I bought a sweet dress from CS last year.

I have a dinner date with an old friend tomorrow at Tacos y Mas.  He's a long timer here, and I sure enjoy listening to his stories and secret tales of Yelapa Magic. 
Not to mention, enjoying my last Passion Fruit Margarita of the season !

I will be spending next weekend in PV. Looking forward to visiting with a dear friend who is
on vacation for 2 weeks, so I should say I will be a day late with my Blog !

I have a bet with my neighbour that it won't rain before May 15th .  It has been grey and
misty in the mornings, but the rainy season is still 2 months away, if we're lucky !

Casa Delfin needed more line to reach the water source and another neighbour had empty tanks, due to a broken line !  In many ways, it still is " Gourmet Camping ", living the way we do.

Amazing that we can stay so isolated, in such beauty and so close to an busy, International
City .  

There is another rumour, this time 2 ex-president's son's, descending upon our village and
developing a resort.  Those rumours never go away. I don't pay any attention.  
Talk is cheap.

I want to say that the weather is perfect right now, but in another 10 days, it will be even better.  The nights are clear and still. The sea has calmed her tone. The moon is already high in the sky.  The sun balancing over my head during the day.

May and October is the best weather here.  It's not hot, it's not cold. It's not humid. 
The sea is a bathtub.
The bugs aren't bad yet.  Still a soft breeze, that reminds me of Lake Superior. 

By June 1st .. it's hot...and you better have a hat, at all times, and swim early in the day.
When the rain comes, the ocean is not the most inviting.  The rain washes down the river and the canyons and deposits everything in it's path, into the sea.  

The large gully next to my house, flows so heavy in the rainy season it moves large trees
down the hill that block the path.  Sometimes you can't cross the gully at Pollo Bollo, there
is so much water flowing through.  Like the Mighty Fraser River, on a smaller scale !!

Try crossing holding a flashlight, because it's dark ; and umbrella, because it's pouring
and trying not to step on a Toad, because they are all over the place !

Another Yelapa Initiation ! I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am learning more about the computer and the blog.  I have read some comments.
Thank You so much.  I don't know how I did it, but I do want to hear feedback so will learn how to do that. At least now I can post photos ... lots of flowers and bugs !

It was a great Sunday Brunch Send off  ... Congratulations Chef. 

And what about .... Mr. Justin Trudeau !!  SO Exciting and moving.

Love and Inspiration ....


Sunday, April 14, 2013

No news is ...

Quiet week in Yelapa, for me, except for Saturday Night !!  I made it out to the Disco for the
first time in a while and had a good time dancing, until it got too crowded, and the music was turned up to 10 !  I couldn't dance very well with my fingers in my ears ! but i had a lot of fun, while it lasted ....

Fishing has been good this week. No tuna yet, and it isn't as bountiful as i remember in years past, but everything is always changing, and I look forward to a fish & vegie diet this summer.  Right now the pinapples and mangos are juicy and sweet !  

The leaves are still falling from the tress, but there must be some tasty nuts or seeds as there seems to be more birds of different varieties making a lot of noise.  Many parrots and
little starling type birds who have started coming in to the house, walking/hopping about on the floor, which is very dangerous to their health, with lily around.  Maybe whatever they're eating is somewhat intoxicating, causing them to lose their bearings ....
Lily had a hummingbird in her mouth the other day, poor little thing crying out, but i grabbed the broom quick, and she dropped it and it flew away ...

Ants are a big problem right now too.  They never go away, but they have a certain schedule that they follow, and now they are on the move !  I have saved the hair from my last cut,
( I still do it myself ) and stuff some in at the base of my favorite plants and trees.  
It's supposed to work for deer, so i thought I'd give it a shot, and so far, so good.  
It beats combing the side of the hill, in the dark, with my flashlight and the nasty poison, trying to find the nest .  Ground cinnamon works to suppress them too, I've seen it in action at a local cafe.  I better stock up !

The old Bouganvilla up behind the house is in full bloom and amazing.  It is almost coming thru the top window of the Casita.  The one we planted a few years ago in the front is growing fast and is developing flowers too.  It is Deep Magenta and the one up top is Deep
Red.  Gorgeous.  I have seen 2 of them growing together, with a white one mixed in, huge,
growing up the side of a wall , or into the other trees growing beside it.
One of my favorites, but with killer thorns. Maybe that's why they grow so wild, because they hurt, a lot, to prune. You never want to step on a branch, with barefeet especially.
That could mean a trip to the Clinic.  

I will get my photos up asap.

The New Moon brought a heavy sea, again.  More than usual because it has been more windy than usual, partly. People getting wet on the boat.  A new Laptop, in a backpack in the front, ruined.  People were scared.  That's not good at all, and I'm sure the Captains will address the problem.  They will have to. 

Mimi's is closed for the season, at least Friday Nights. The Library is coming together.
I already have a few sections organized, Children, Autobiographys, Cowboy Western
DVDs & Magazines. There is a LOT left to do, but I hope, over this summer we will
work hard together to create a Sacred Space, that will also make us some money !!

On my way to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow, to pick up the keys to the very nice apartment we are renting for the summer.  Six months !  I have some experience now, of how to live back and forth, and am looking forward to a bit of a respitie, from time to time.
It's nice to have a place to stay overnight.  You can get more accopmplished in 2 days.

I haven't left Yelapa since Feb. 11th, to the eye doctor, and the time before that was Dec. 20,
when Craig came back from Reno.  It will be a whole new world, all over again.
I'm going to make the most of it.

.....from my hut to yours...

sleep tight ... keep smiling ... keep guessing ... keep dancing ...

Monday, April 8, 2013

April Showers .... i wish

Welcome to April in Yelapa .... and the stomach flu !!

I thought I was going to escape the little bug being passed around.
 I shouldn't have been bragging that I wasn't sick .  It hit me hard Friday afternoon, and I was in bed for the rest of the day.  Saturday I thought I was recovered, but by early evening
I was back in bed, where I stayed all day Sunday. Today, Monday, I am a little better, but
exhausted ... how can that be ?? 

I had to cancel going up to the Library today, which is upsetting,but the PTA President will
cover for me as A. won't be back from the USA until late this week.  What bad timing as I really enjoy going up there, and this is the first day back from Easter Holiday.
I didn't want to call her, thinking I may be better this morning, but it's a good thing I did.
I couldn't walk up there in this state, let alone work with the kids for 2 hours, and walk back ! 

The weather has changed dramatically.  Full sun every day, and everyone is commenting that it's hotter this time of year then we can remember.  We still have the welcoming ocean
breeze, and there are grey skies in the afternoon, but it's unlikely we will have any rain, for
sometime to come. It's  a water dance again.  Keeping the greenery alive, and yet still trying
to conserve water.  We have been very lucky here over the years, but running out of water
is a real threat.  There are always ways around getting water in the line, which means 
running more of the black piping that feeds our tank.  Lets hope we get don't have to do that.

In the meantime, the tourists and part-timers are heading out.  By next week, most of the
regulars will be gone. There are 5 houses on our water line, and now that the renters are gone, it's less strain on our water system. 

I will be taking it easy today.  Although there is no water in the tank at Casa Delfin, I have
someone looking at it today.  Without water, there are no renters, and I'm hoping there may
be a few stragglers coming by, that will want to rent .  Usually when there is no water it's the
same reason why, so it could be a somewhat easy fix. I hope so.

For now,I will try to eat some breakfast, it's been a couple of days.

I hope none of you are sick .... and you are enjoying a marvelous spring ...

until next week ...

much love and affection from afar ...
