Monday, May 27, 2013
Shine on Yellow Moon
Good Monday Morning ...
I couldn't write last night because I was busy watching the Hockey Game .... Kings & Sharks .
I cheer for both teams ! It still seems odd, watching the moon rise from my Palapa, and not only just listening to the game, but seeing it live on my computer. Any locals walking by must wonder whats going on, as I am yelling " shoot , shoot the puck you idiot !! "
I'm a very vocal participant !
And speaking of the moon ... one of the prettiest I've seen ... huge and yellow. Watching and waiting for it to appear over the hillside, is pure joy. We don't get the reflection on the water this time of year, but it's still awe inspiring. Once the rains come we won't see the full moon
much as it's usually dark and overcast.
And rain will be here soon. Everyday it gets more humid and grey clouds muster up river, but it'll still be a while until the rain gods bless us ... so in the meantime's still the bucket brigade, up & down the hill trying to keep everything alive ...
I'm on my way to the big city this morning ... 11:00 o'clock to Boca. I'll stay in for a few days.
A little shopping and R&R. Watch a little TV and brush up on my Spanish !
Fishing is getting better.... Sierra and Amber Jack. Two of my favorites. Hopefully Lily will
get some of her favorite, Chora, today.
It's hot and getting hotter. Humidity is high. Finishing up in the Casita yesterday, packing everything away and piling furniture and wrapping it all up in a tarp. I have an old fan up there, loud as can be, but I couldn't work without it. I'm getting used to it, all this sweating.
I was soaked through by the time I finished. You do not want to go out anywhere and forget your hanky or towel, or hand fan. Riding the bus in PV is brutal. I'll be taking the car on my errands tomorrow !
This Saturday is Marinaro Day. Biggest party of the year, June 1 st. in memory of those
fisherman who have lost their lives at sea. The day begins at 9:00 am at the church, with the Priest blessing any and all fishing rods and spear guns, the the floatilla, then the boat race/egg fight, then the party starts. Music and dancing and beer and food.
The playita is packed with people, and these last few years there are people coming from PV and area to join in. After the party is over , when the beer is all gone ( last year over 200 cases ) around 5 :00 pm, everyone heads up to the Rodeo up river. Everyone but me that is....
Last year the young man died when he fell off a bull. I don't suppose that's going to stop anyone this year . A very tragic accident.
I better get a move on. I'll have lots to report next week, and will include more pictures.
I will try to post a pic of last years party, with the guys trying to climb the greased pole,
to reach the money and bottles of tequila tied to the top. Slightly dangerous, but tons of fun to watch.
I hope everyone is doing well and excited for summer holidays. I know I am !!
all the best ...
Monday, May 20, 2013
Happy Birthday HMC !
Another quiet week in Yelapa's easy to adjust to the slower pace. The sea is calm, the
sun is hot, and we all slow down ....
The humidity is over 80 % , I'm guessing, and the barometric pressure is high ....but rain still
3 or 4 or 6 weeks away .... i'm not called Skycloud for nothing !!
Another group of friends are heading out this week, back to the U.S of A. for the season, and
another group arrives, from Costa Rica and Canada ....Globe & Mail in hand and tales of adventure ! I don't miss Canada half as much living in Mexico as I did living in California,
I see Canadians all the time down here.
I even watched the Leafs play the other night, such a familiar feeling ... better luck next year !
Mimi just got back. She had to go to Ajiji. Her 24 year old nephew died, the son of her eldest sister, not Carmen's son, Tomas Jr. An avoidable accident. He fell off the deck at a nightclub in Guadalajara. Very very sad. So many questions, as to what happened, but it
doesn't really matter now.
Jessie, her oldest daughter went into early labour the next day, and delivered a healthy baby
boy in Vallarta on Monday May 13th. A very brave girl to go through it without her Mom.
Another young woman in the village, 7 months pregnant with her first child, had to go into
PV for an emergency appendectomy !. But she is ok now, and all is normal with the baby.
She won't be home for a few days since getting on the boat is not advisable.
There are certainly pros and cons to living so isolated.
Pregnant, sick, crippled, blind, old, you have to get on the boat. Rain or shine, day or night, it's your one way out of town.
Unless you want to walk up the hill to Chacala, or to the " parking lot ", and wait for a ride.
There are some trucks parked there from time to time, but not once it starts to rain.
There is no such thing as a parking lot in Yelapa then.
No streets or highways, horns, alarms, exhaust, accidents. No bus.
Not for everyone but it suits me just fine.
There are 4 paddle boarders going strong in the bay. Looks like great exercise, but I'd
rather have a canoe !
The Chacalacas, large Pheasant type birds, are making a huge racket in the trees. Three of
them hopping and flying about. Tiny finch type birds are also chirping loudly.
One particularly likes to flirt from the metal tip of my sun umbrella. It's incredible such little
things can sing such a large melodic song.
Also, the Scorpions are back. It's been a while since I've seen any, but last week, when JJ
was here, we saw 8 !! Three in one night. That may be sign rain is on the way .... or not ....
I also saw the biggest Armadillo the other night, below the deck. Paid me no mind when I
tried to chase it away ! so we just ignored each other.
And squirrels, tormenting Lily by running along the edge of the deck. One, the same one everyday I suppose, came into the house and jumped along the rafters !!
I use the broom for a lot more than sweeping around here !
The school library will close Monday. Cake will be served. A&B have done an amazing job, and just take it in stride, but it's very impressive. We're all excited for next year.
A. bought a horse to ride back & forth! How exciting !
but it's not a canoe ...
Polka music on the juke box, from the cantina up the hill. A Sunday night tradition and ritual ...sometimes extending into Mondays ..... but i don't mind ...
it's better than horns and alarms and sirens ....
A large gathering from the Church were out of town this weekend, at a yearly retreat, which
means Pollo Bollo was closed. Delicious fish filet and f.f. at Breeza's instead ....
and a toast to Queen Victoria and my Dad's his Birthday too ... 86 years young !!!
Have a great week .... and let the summer begin ...
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Dias de Las Madres
Happy Mothers Day !!
We celebrate here on the 10th of May. What a Fiesta ! The Dance Hall full, I mean packed
with women young & old. The kindergarten class puts on a dance show, and food is served by the men. Another canoe full of beer, and dancing and games. It's impossible to keep up,
so I gave up trying....they were still going strong into the morning. The music stopped
around 4:oo am.
The women in this village work very hard, constantly. Now with electricity and some other
modern appliances life is a little easier, but not everyone has the amenities we are used to in the North, and even then there are still challenges other women would not be able to, or want to endure. That's why it was especially touching to see then all having such fun together.
Today is the wind up of Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta. No more bombs going off at 5:00 am. Not really bombs of course. More like a small, hand held cannon ! Sounds a little like
fireworks, without the lightshow. Some of us agree they don't seem as loud this year ?!
and besides Friday morning, which must have been the Main Event when they blasted off
quite a few, it isn't too bad. You get used to it.
Unlike the cats & dogs & birds.
The celebration today began at the pier, with people carrying a huge arch of colourful
balloons. The procession followed, holding streamers and etc. and they all got on the boat and made their way to the beach and along to the point, singing and playing guitar and across the bay. They were gone for a while, but came back passing right in front of my house singing ..... Viva Guadalupe Viva ..... Viva Yelapa Viva ....
Very special.
The town is decorated with colourful banners across the paths, even lining the pier which
I can see from my house. It all looks very festive. And as I said, the Church looks amazing.
The young people participating in the processions were so poised and elegant.
The costumes they wore and the floats and decorations were very well done. Obviously there is a lot of planning and preparation and hard work going into it all.
Even a schedule of events for the whole 9 days posted at the stores.
All this in a place where there isn't even a decent photo-copier !!
The School Library will be closing at the end of the month, so tomorrow will be spent organizing, packing up and waiting for books to be returned. There are 30 still out on loan,
if we get half back we will be happy. Such a great experience and I look forward to next year.
This is the first time the kids in Yelapa were introduced to a Library. What a concept.
It's going to take a few years for them to fully appreciate how it works and what it offers, but
you can see they are excited. The seed has been planted.
My brother in law is visiting. Always, always nice to have company. He's been to Yelapa
many times before. He was here before Craig, in 1968. Not too many people around back then, but people keep coming back.
He helped me rescue a butterfly who landed face up in my bucket of water. JJ came over to
see and picked it up, and we put it in a jar.
It was completely intact. Legs, everything, not a scratch on her, just wet.
It wasn't very colourful, mostly brown, but 1,000 shades of brown, and when we picked her up we could feel the tiny bones in the wings.
I was checking on her, moving the jar a little from time to time, and a few hours later she came back to life, and not long after, with my help, flew out of the jar.
That was special too.
The weather is perfect these last few weeks, but the ocean a little cooler than usual.
The wind has died down somewhat. I had JJ take the fan out of storage yesterday.
I turned it on today. By September there will be 3 fans in the house.
This is the time of washing and storing blankets, winter clothes etc. To have them all sun
dried to perfection, folded, and tucked away for the summer is a nice feeling.
I'm quite there yet, and now I have Casa Delfin on my plate, but will hire extra help for that.
May is such a great month here. Too long to describe the subtle changes, everywhere.
Yelapa time means many things , in a little village you become more aware of the minute
changes happening right under your nose, and above your head.
It's much easier to be in tune with Mother Nature and the cycle of life.
The river is only half as wide as usual, on the town side, but the lagoon is still full.
It won't rain for another month, at least, maybe less, God Willing.
Still a little water over the waterfall in town, but not enough in the pool to swim.
I am writing early today because we are going to Pollo Bollo BBQ restaurant tonight !
Good ribs & Margaritas !
Wish you could join me.
Until then ..... be good to your Mom if you've got one ...
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Festival of Guadalupe and Anahi
First of all ... we had an Earthquake here last night, around 10:00 pm. I was on the sofa with my book and I felt it right away, it was strong enough and long enough to bounce me up and wonder what was really going on ... and then it was over.
I don't know where the center was or how strong, but I'll find out more.
I use the Bandaras Bay News website for local info.
And I just found out now, that my Patron at Casa Delfin, has fallen off the back wall, broken his ankle bone in several places, and is in hospital in PV, scheduled for surgery tomorrow.
Very very upsetting . So unfortunate.
Gregorio is in PV with his brother and will go to the hospital tomorrow and check in on him.
A reminder for us all to watch our step, go slow, and no jumping from back wall to roof !
Anahi's Quincenara .... The Church looked incredible.
The Community has been working non stop for years to improve and renovate the Building. The large round window over the door is absolutely marvelous.
The pillars inside freshly painted with large colorful Dream Catchers hanging down, and Calylilys blooming in decorative pots, everywhere.
Even " Our Jesus " was a part of the Church Service, and stood on the right of the Altar with his
Yelapa hasn't a Priest living in town, so one comes from different churches in the area for
Weddings, Baptisim, Quincenara's , Funerals. There are " delegates " in the Community who conduct services on Saturdays and handle the Church business.
I have heard the Priest yesterday before, and was thrilled that I understood a lot of what he was saying. Not quite putting the sentence together, but picking out more and more words.
I was later informed that he spoke quite a bit about sinners and the road to redemption.
We left early.
Back to the " Casino " a little after 6.with mvb & jm and joined our friends.
( I don't know why it's called that because it's just a Dance Hall )
People had already arrived, and many coming in behind us. We were close to the front door and I was able to observe some of the Protocol.
Step up and into the doorway, and wait to be greeted. By the Princess of the Evening, her Mom or her Dad. Extend Congratulations, a hug, and your Present. Then you are escorted to your table.
So that takes care of one of my issues ... where, when and how to deliver your gift ? Just hand it over to your hostess, she hands it to the Gift Attendant who places it on the Gift Table.
How easy is that ... But ... I lean toward the home made gifts, cards and wrappings.
That will have to change for these kinds of events. If you show up with anything other than
the Cinderella, Tinker Bell type Gift bag, you will stick out like a skinny white girl....
Each table had a picture of Anahi, ( colour scheme blue, white and tangerine/melon ) napkins, and a bottle of Tequila. Very smooth . A canoe is full of ice and little Corona & Pacifico at the bar.
You cannot finish your beer without someone replacing it with a new one. If you turn your head, you will look back and another little beer will be there.
The excitement is building, you can hold it in your hands.
Families save for 15 years for this day. It's a big deal.
It's Mexico.
It's hot, the music is loud, I am very tired from 2 nights celebrating with BB.
I ate out both nights. My stomach is feeling a little fragile. I could go for a BLT.
The food was served. It was delicious. Goat Stew that was made " up the hill " in Chalcala, and driven down here. I doubt it was on horseback, but that's not out of the question.
I doubt they brought it thru Boca on the boat, but maybe.
Either way it was the real deal. One of the best flavours I ever tasted in 14 years in Mexico.
But I couldn't eat it. I gave a nudge and a nod and slipped out.
I heard the music all night, there were fireworks on the beach for someone Else's party.
It was still going at 4 am. Shortly after that the power went off, and shortly after that a man was in distress on the path above my house. Obviously drunk, and lost.
I was somewhat concerned until I pin pointed he was across the creek, behind the Cantina .
A long way away , but you could almost throw a stone.
There are a lot of sling shots around here ! Especially useful for getting Pelicans and Seagulls off your boat.
And not long after that the " Bombus " went off. In celebration of Guadalupe's Birthday.
I was somewhat relived my guests had left that afternoon.
The Festival lasts 9 days. It is a very big deal. I have already missed one event today.
6 am at the Church or 6 pm at the Waterfall.
I haven't heard any details from the of the events of last night. With the power off all day and being a Sunday I chose to do the minimum of housework and read a fascinating book.
The book I just finished ... unbelievable.... The Devils Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea.
He also wrote The Hummingbirds Daughter.
The Devils Highway is about Coyotes, and Migrants, and Borders. Very Tragic.
I was very moved and will write a note to the Author.
The little Sail boat that has been anchored below my house for a good few years, broke loose
and drifted towards the rocks, but the wind being so strong it moved back into the bay, where the boys in their motor boats were able to get her secure. The owner was in Mexico City at the time. We were able to send him a text, to let him know.
It's quite handy to have the Cell phones to keep in touch, when the power is off or you are
out of Yelapa.
I'm sorry to say most of my pictures have turned out shaky, but I will post a few of them anyway.
I can hear the Rock Band playing on the beach.
I can hear the Choir singing in the Church.
In a while the Church bells will ring and the Roosters will crow.
Just another Yelapa Fiesta.
much muchness ..
I have been informed school is cancelled tomorrow. Funny how that feeling of relief never
goes away. I'll be playing catch up here at home.
A dinner invitation to Casa Vieja tomorrow night ... she's cooking lamb.
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