Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays

May your future be Merry and Bright 

ay your future be Merry and Bright !!

.... a few memories ....

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

welcome winter

15 degree celisius here yesterday morning ... that is hot water bottle heating pad weather !!

The locals, including myself are enjoying wearing our winter clothes, at least for part of the day. 

We had rain, last week, as predicted, heavy seas. 
All's well now, a fantastic day .

Trees, vines, bamboo, and more, ! grow fast and tall around here.
From one season to the next the amount of direct sun on the patio and house is less and less.
Shade is good , but with the cool wind comes overcast sky and little sun .
Like Chesley Farm in Aldergrove BC, trees are in your life .. big time !

This morning I found an open package of crackers scattered over the kitchen floor.
Whatever animal it was had to crawl into the cupboard to dig them out.
Mapache, or Tajon, Racoon/Possom/ monkey like creatures .

It obvioulsy doesn't care for crackers and hopefully won't come back !
The bag of Tostadas was next to my bed, unopened.
I slept through the whole thing ! 

There is also a new visitor living in the pitch of the roof over the front gate. 
He has to move on ...

I'm way behind on some of the winter preperations. 
I've been focusing on finishing the Casita, and it's coming along great !!

Photos to follow ...

School vacation soon, and lots of activities to keep the students busy.
Very difficult to be joyful without Maestro Pedro.
But, we must and we do. 

Hopefully this coming year will bring lots of positive changes to all 3 schools.
Primary School now has a full staff of 6, but the Library had to be sacrificed
for a class room. 

That didn't get our Volunteer Librarian discouraged, and she continues on with 
reading groups, and plans for more .
It takes devotion and energy and time to be a part of the Yelapa Community,
but also very rewarding  !!

There is another Volunteer ESL with me at Seondary and she is here for the season.
We will definetly be working together but I plan on a little break to focus on other

I sent 15 litres of Racialla off to Mexico City, destined to a grand wedding fiesta 
in Acapulco !  Yelapa visitors I met a few years back, and they were determined to
have Chacala Moonshime at their wedding.  How fun is that ??!!
Glad I could help !  

I haven't been paying the same attention to my blog since my Dad died July 2014 .

My goal before Christmas is post photos, many you may have seen before on fb or
instagram,, but many you haven't.

My next goal is to print copies of my Poetry Book.
I'd also like to publish it as an e-book.

My BBQ Chicken business venture took of with a bang, really exciting !!

A LOT of challenges, expected and unexpected .. many lessons to be learned ...
working relationships, co ordination, transportation and delivery ..
Business slowed down around US Thanksgiving, but building up slow and steady ...

Great Product, Great crew of people working together, doing a great job.
The rest will have to come on its own ..

Cozy up everyone ... winter is here ... 

Monday, November 7, 2016

No Words

There are no words, but I'll try ....

Maestro Pedro 

The Principal at the high school, sufferred a brain anurisum on Friday October 28th.
He is in Critical Condition in Puerto Vallarta.

He has taught at that school for 22 years.  He is the basketball coach, accompaning the team to Vallarta every Saturday. He is the Folklore Dancing trainer and mentor and coach, along with his talented son. 

I know he has accomplished a million other things I have no idea about.
I mentioned that when the Govenor visited, The Minister of Education thanked Pedro for his years of dedication to the Students and Community of Yelapa.

He is the face of Secondary Education in this Village and well known in the School System of the Cabo Corrientes area.

He was taken to Guadalajara but has since returned to PV. 
There were signs of brain activity and organ functioning, but, 
I was told yesterday afternoon, he is failing.
His resporator is breathing again for him.
I know nothing more until the group of Students on their way to visit him now,
return this afternoon.
I will post any news of his condition, any change, as soon as I hear.

And so what can I say after that ... 

The village waits. 

Day of the Dead Celebrations were cancelled.  Pedro, with his wife Keta's and students help,
organizes these events and is the MC... for over 20 years.
School was cancelled Monday and Tuesday.
Thursday was a scheduled Teachers Meeting in PV and a contingent of Teachers made their way to Guadalajara to give their support.

It will be an organized disaster without him at the school. 
If he lives through this, his return to work is most highly improbable.

Too difficult to imagine, right now. 

Chesley Chicken completed the 2nd week of business Sunday.
So much to do. 
So fun and exciting and I have lots to eat !
Nothing is guaranteed in Life or in Business so we will work hard to deliver a consistent
delicious meal.  We've already made a few tweeks and changes, based on customer feedback.

I have just received the news that Maestro Pedro died at 5 am this morning.
His body will return to Yelapa today and to the cemetary tomorrow.

Rest in Peace Maestro

Friday, October 7, 2016

September never ending

Good Morning

Buenos Diaz

Bonjour ..... the language on the path in recent days ... I hope I can relearn it, after I get my 

Spanish a little more polished.

One of the things I love about being here all summer, is my exposure to Spanish increases.

People have time to slow down and engage with me a little more, and I learn something 

every time.  Whether I know it or not at the time !

The energy has gone up a notch or two, ( but the heat and humidity haven't ! ) . 

It's down to less than 30 days before High Season is upon us .  

The smell of bleach is in the air, the sound of a pressure washer, a chain saw, or two,

machettes, the mixing of cement ....

I'm a month or so behind everyone else !! 

Casa Pepe and Delfin getting the water lines upgrade and extended, so nothing can

happen till we have water.

Our favorite Nacho is on the job and it will all come together in the very near future. 

The Yoga/Retreat destination out here on the point, on the hill towards Verana,

is going Gang Buster !!

Horse and mules on the path 7 days a week now .

I have an invitation to visit and must get up there and make a full report.

El Jardin, also on the point, is under new occupancy and gearing up for mid October 

opening !  Lots of exciting changes, and I'll learn more in the coming weeks.

A contingent of Montrealers have decended upon us, to upgrade and repair and construct, 

and they have also livened things up quite a bit.

I'm looking forward to having them in the neighbourhood, and hopefully a source for 

my Saturday paper !!

In other news, I'm looking for a house cat sitter for my house next July .... 

I'd like to plan a little break next year.  

This year October is still like September. Strong sun, High humidity , and Rain. 

We've had rain everyday for 3 days now, and if it keeps up like this for another week or so,

 we should be fine for the dry season.

It's still buggy, and the bugs are getting bigger and smaller.  Tiny worms are breeding 

somewhere and making their way into the house.... at least their tiny...

and a mapache strolling around in mid day yesterday and a tajon up the tree this morning.

I thought it was a dog for a second, which would have been another first ! 

Chesley Chicken is taking all my time.  Into Puerto Vallarta once a week for the next 2 weeks,  
on shopping trips, not a favorite past time for most Yelapanese, us included !!

Lots to keep me busy ... and give me a bad cold !!

On that note, it's a good time for a hammock awaits ....

Happy Fall .....

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


             After storm clouds

           Always happy when
                  heading home

storm clouds poem


upside down

black cupcakes

devouring the sky

orange frosting

melts down

the vortex

thunder digests it all

stars shout

i love you


Survivng September

Happy end of summer, at least for us down here !

We are short on rain, so be prepared, hopefully we will catch up during October.  Not sure how short we are, we'd have to ask the woman of the mountain, who measures every year, for the last 15 or so !!

Termites gone, spiders haven't arrived yet.  This is the only time of year when mosquitoes are really bothersome  Like the houseflies that show up in the early summer, the mosquitoes show up toward the end.  They love it here as much as we do !!

Pretty quiet around here.  Vallarta Adventures boat cruises are down to 10 or 20 people.
Most restaurants still closed. Ramona's Enchiladas a Thursday night staple. 
I see a few white people around. 
Most are regulars, but a newcomer or two around.
A few hearty here for end of summer vacation !!   

Always facinating to watch the changing Lagoon. 
The mouth of the river changes constantly.  Huge sand dunes the other day, reminds me of San Carlos Bay, or a desert.
Kids surfing.  They can walk out farther than I've ever seen,
like a sandbar out there ... great for the guy fishing on the shore !
Out there in the pouring rain, or the dark, or both !!
The town water fall is spectacular, as usual this time of year.
Time for another visit.
This is the time to hike to the waterfall up river.  Besides being on the water taxi, it's the coolest place to be !!
I have been neglecting this blog to finish my poetry book, which I have done.  I will get it to the printers next week, and have it available for purchase at my new restaurant, which will open
mid to late October, in downtown Yelapa !!

Yes, Chesley Chicken BBQ will be available for take out and 
home delivery. Daylight hours only.
Let's hope we do it right !!

I have a grand business partner,who will do most of the work and cook the chicken,  What could be better than that ?
It all came together pretty fast.
It was opportunity knocking at the door, and we said ...
Come on in !!  
Please come by and wish us luck !!

I'm also hooked on Instagram.  All my photos on my phone now,
and I'm just learning to post to my blog from it.

I'll try again today.  

Keep cool everybody... see you soon ....

Monday, September 5, 2016

50 shades of green

Good Morning and Happy September ... and Labour Day long weekend !!!

We all know what this time of year means in the North !!! and here it means ...
Rain !!!!! No sun !!!  Rain !!!! Overcast, cloudy, cool, rain !!!

It went down to 23 degrees last night !! 
Todays predicted high 32 !! 
Humidity I'm guessing in the low 60 %. Very pleasant and mild,
for this time of year ...

After our last big rains earlier in the month, it stopped, again.
Termites LOVE that !! 

It rained and rained in Puerto Vallarta, and Tuito, and everywhere else .. almost,
but not here.

There has been a lot of flash lightening and thunder. but, after Saturday night you can tell we are only getting started ...

It began raining while I was in PV, on my 3 day sweep vacation, clear skies for my return,
but began again Saturday night... and guess what ... TERMITES ...

I had a top 5 worst bed drama, becase I hadn't tucked in and secured my mosquitoe net 
before dark and they got into my bed !!! ugggg...

They are basically just a set of wings so how do you do battle with that ?? 
Vacumme cleaner ??

They can be very dangerous, especially for infants, if they crawl into your ears ... uggg ..
so you don't want want them in your bed ! 

Well, I survived, and the rain continues. So green it's hard to take it all in.

You can tell we will be socked in for a while.  It's like those times when the power goes off and you know you are in for a long haul ...
only different .... bring it on ...

I've offered to take the 4 Police Officers, ( who arrived on Monday August 22, the same day
as our Govenor, and the first day of school ) on a tour of the point, so they are familiar with which house is who and where, but
they said they have a rotation of officers on duty,
( not sure how many .. 12 ? 16 ? the whole Tuito force taking turns ?? ),
 so I said I'd draw a map, ( we are down to 3 cops as of a week ago !? ),
but really, I think the thing to do is give each rotation a tour. 
I can do that. Sherriff Lois is ready to help me.
Lets see what happens, but its very important.

In an emergency you would call Louis and he will walkie talkie the police,
They are set up in the Sherriff (  Deligado's ) office. 
They arrive at 7:30 pm and leave at 8 or 9 am ish the next day.

Micheal King !  My long time friend.
37 years confidant, go to help me move again please, sports teacher, house sitter, message center and etc.... is here, in Yelapa.  

He promised to visit for 13 years, and now he is here and one very happy camper.
And so am I.

Life is one surprise after another !!!

I'm late I'm late , I have a very important date.
Mums the word right now but news flash to come in the following days 
School for me starts Wednesday.  

Enjoy your week .. Power Path theme of the month ...

Taking care of business ..... Mercury Retrograde ... All signals GO ....

Friday, August 5, 2016

The bee story

WoW.  Angry bees in the tree. That was intense. 
Those poor horses and the young people too... so frightening.
Two horses died, and a person spent a night or two in PV hospital.
The next door neighbour was attacked when he ran to free up the horses.
He saw the water in the creek rising fast, didn't see the bees, at first.
He described it as Armaggeddon !!

I saw the kids on their way out to Isabels Beach. 

It was late afternoon, it was raining and going to rain more. Heavy skies.
I didn't recognize the people I saw, they were visitors, but I recognized the horses.
There was a little commotion, which drew my attention, since there is that steep incline in front of my house, that can be intimidating on a horse, but the kids did fine, and off they went for a swim.  There was a Yelapa local or two with them.

They tied the horse a little farther down where Rosie is tied, and it was too close to the creek bed.  When the rain came heavy, the creek rose fast and the horses were getting aggitated.
This aggitated the bees. Then there was war. 

It's over now, but the bees are still there.  

Louis Manigito ! our new Deligado has called Tuito for help.  We are waiting for a specialist !
Those of us out here will continue to follow up.  How they will fix this we I do not know.
Some people say the tree will be fire bombed, of sorts.  
It won't be easy or pretty.

I made a sign but it isn't holding up too well in this weather !

Our hearts go out to those people who lost their horses and the people who experienced
such a trauma.  

Weather is finally normal.  Rain, thunder, lightening.  
The first storm came in with a bang, that is an understatement !! 
Less than an inch of rain with it though .. 
Bad year for swarming termites, but they are gone now, so are the land crabs.

Frogs are here. Those beetles that are deafening, ..can't spell the name ... and the regular
summer time mosquitoes, flies, and their extended families !
Nothing we can't handle, so far ....

I'll post some new pictures. If you can/want check out Instagram and my photos there.

Won't be sending photos of my Reading Club.  My readers are too busy enjoying their summer vacation, and I don't blame them. 

Anajlina"s Garden on the beach has re opened, and so has The Barracuda.  
That's all very good news.  
Vallarta Adventures still bringing boat loads of day trippers in.
I see them walking along the beach, in the pouring rain, on their way back to the boat.
At least no one can complain about being cold !!

Life goes on.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Pollo Bollo on vacation, which is not good news for us, but great for them.
But soon the smoke stack will be chugging away, and October will be right around the corner.

Take good care everyone ... live .. love ... laugh ... listen !!    

Saturday, July 23, 2016


It's Official ... rainy season is upon us.  

The thunder, lightening, wind, termites swarming, all thoses things that bring joy to our heart and frusratation to trying read a book, etc.

The land crabs haven't reappeared on mass, so that's a small blessing. 
They have had their show for the year.  

A sigh of relief passed through the village and we share our gratitude.

Time to get planting again. 

Peace and Love. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

weather update

.... No Rain ....

That's all we want around here this time of year, and exactly what we are not getting.

The season started off so prominsing. Almost right on schedule.  The vllage breathes a sigh of relief.
Everyone is happy.  Then the land crabs and termites and flys appear, but that is a small price to pay
for our blessing.

But then nothing but thunder and dark clouds. It's raining everywhere else.We can see the rain clouds
opening over PV, but nothing here.  Everyday it promises, but we are left with nothing.
A little scary. This may mean, when the rain does come, and it will, won't it ... it may rain through October.  Doesn't matter at this point, just as long as it starts and starts big.

I've said before that growing up in Northern Ontario has helped me adapt to this weather.  Funny to say, but i have spent more than one winter at minus 27.  My car engine froze up once, gas line too.
I would take a chance gettng in my jeep and just driving down my driveway... black ice, white ice,
sleet and freezing rain ... oh my ... this weather just doesn't compare.

It's intense no doubt.  To be walking or working out there under the sun is not easy.
But, neither is wind chill factor, blowing snow, and frozen toes.
I'm happy here.  I can take it. Just make it rain ....

I thought our beach light problem had been rectified, with a dimmer light, but sorry to report, the
new / old light bulb is back. It really conflicts with the Tourist Town label.
I haven't got it too bad, I have made adjustments, and trying to pretend it's not there, but that's a
stretch. Not sure how, but someday I hope we will reach a compromise.

There are tourists in town, and Vallarta Adventures boats still roaring in, most boats packed.

There aren't a lot of restaurants opened n town but still action at the beach.
I heard a rumor The Barracuda may be re opening.  And Chico's serving dinner too.

I stay pretty close to home.  Meetng with teachers today to discuss English Program for next year.
I'm in deep down, and although I fear it will be a ton of work, I can't wait to get at it.

I'll keep you posted.
I hope I don't have to report any bad sad news.
Prayers are being said for Julio Cesar.  Family and friends gather for 9 days.
Everyone still in shock.

Peace be with you .....  

Monday, July 18, 2016

mixed emotions

A funeral this morning .
A young man I knew a little, he did some work at Casa Pepe.
He spoke english well because he'd lived in the States for quite a while.
Cesar. But everyone called him Julio. 
He made 100 plus days clean and sober .  
Your troubles are over now my friend. 
Rest in Peace.

Moving to happier times, Graduation for the students moving out of Secondaria and into Prepa went very well. I'm overwhelmed in fact.
Not much turned out as originally planned. and there were a lot of surprises...
mostly for me ! 

When I arrived I  joined the students teachers and performers " backstage "  ( raised platform off to the side of dance floor ). 

Being that it was my first time as godmother, I had no idea your name is wriiten in
GIANT, BOLD PRINT, on a banner hanging over the head table where I would be sitting with other invited guests , I was between the Doctor and the Sheriff !
GIANT is not an exaggeration.
I was overwhelmed when Yadira pointed it out from backstage.
First thought ; my Dad would love this !!
I on the other hand couldn't breathe well, or stop trying to hide behind my fan. 

I recovered, what choice did I have.

I completely enjoyed every moment. So much was happening, so fast, in Spanish,
and I tried to keep up , handing out awards and diplomas.
I know every kids name so I did have an advantage over the Doctor and Sheriff. 

The teachers were presented with a Certificate of Recognition.
I was also presented with a Certificate of Recognition. 
Surprise # 2
I was very moved by their apprecition.  
I got a lot of big hug from the kids, and that was the best of all.

We continued on to Pollo Bollo for BBQ Chicken.  
Teachers, Graduates, moms dads grannies etc. There were 55 of us.
Pollo Bollo opened special for us.
All the graduates received 500. pesos, 8 girls 6 boys.
I made envelopes and handed them out at dinner....
Dinner was also part of their gift. 
Thank you to everyone who contributed pesos.
Your thank you card will be ready by Christmas !

I posted photos of the event. I hope Ill get better at taking party pictures !

I've started an Instagram account.  I'm getting more tech everyday.
I even started using the Mirriam Webster app.  It is life changing.

Good luck to everyone in the United States this week.
Especially if you are in Cleveland, or any where close to there, or stuck at a television set
stuck on Fox news.
I hope everyone stays safe.


Graduation photos


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Summer Vacation

Having a very hard time with Google.

My last post was just deleted instead of published. 

It made me very upset, but I'm ok now.

I said a lot about the future development of education in Yelapa, and to contact me if you want to  get involved .

I praised the teachers of Yelapa and the world.  It would be a year of blogs to describe their dedication and what they live through everyday !

Thank you to the students for all their hard work and courage to try .
I am the one who learnt the most this term, and look forward to more growth and learning in the year to come ...

Happy Holidays everyone ...  Go out and make a difference ..

                                                                       Grade 9  2016
                                               Victoria, Susanna, Dulce,Jamileth,Cielo /Sky,
                                             Johana, missing is Alexa ...

                                           Noe, Mateo, Samael, Ricardo, Alonso, Junior


                                                                       Grade 9  2016

                                               Victoria, Susanna, Dulce,Jamileth,Cielo /Sky,
                                             Johana, missing is Alexa ...

                                           Noe, Mateo, Samael, Ricardo, Alonso, Junior