Friday, October 7, 2016

September never ending

Good Morning

Buenos Diaz

Bonjour ..... the language on the path in recent days ... I hope I can relearn it, after I get my 

Spanish a little more polished.

One of the things I love about being here all summer, is my exposure to Spanish increases.

People have time to slow down and engage with me a little more, and I learn something 

every time.  Whether I know it or not at the time !

The energy has gone up a notch or two, ( but the heat and humidity haven't ! ) . 

It's down to less than 30 days before High Season is upon us .  

The smell of bleach is in the air, the sound of a pressure washer, a chain saw, or two,

machettes, the mixing of cement ....

I'm a month or so behind everyone else !! 

Casa Pepe and Delfin getting the water lines upgrade and extended, so nothing can

happen till we have water.

Our favorite Nacho is on the job and it will all come together in the very near future. 

The Yoga/Retreat destination out here on the point, on the hill towards Verana,

is going Gang Buster !!

Horse and mules on the path 7 days a week now .

I have an invitation to visit and must get up there and make a full report.

El Jardin, also on the point, is under new occupancy and gearing up for mid October 

opening !  Lots of exciting changes, and I'll learn more in the coming weeks.

A contingent of Montrealers have decended upon us, to upgrade and repair and construct, 

and they have also livened things up quite a bit.

I'm looking forward to having them in the neighbourhood, and hopefully a source for 

my Saturday paper !!

In other news, I'm looking for a house cat sitter for my house next July .... 

I'd like to plan a little break next year.  

This year October is still like September. Strong sun, High humidity , and Rain. 

We've had rain everyday for 3 days now, and if it keeps up like this for another week or so,

 we should be fine for the dry season.

It's still buggy, and the bugs are getting bigger and smaller.  Tiny worms are breeding 

somewhere and making their way into the house.... at least their tiny...

and a mapache strolling around in mid day yesterday and a tajon up the tree this morning.

I thought it was a dog for a second, which would have been another first ! 

Chesley Chicken is taking all my time.  Into Puerto Vallarta once a week for the next 2 weeks,  
on shopping trips, not a favorite past time for most Yelapanese, us included !!

Lots to keep me busy ... and give me a bad cold !!

On that note, it's a good time for a hammock awaits ....

Happy Fall .....