Sunday, January 7, 2018

Christmas Photos 2017

So fun for me to participate in the Kids Parties and watch them grow up.
 The longer I live here the more kids I get to connect with, especially through my Volunteer work.
  I get to watch them grow up and blossom and learn, hopefully.
I do what I can to help out, whether they like it or not .
I can't imagine what a parent goes through, wanting the best for their child, without
strangling them ....HaHa ...Just Kidding !!
I love these kids !!

Favio class clown # 1

                                                                Sergio class clown # 2

                              Little Bo Peep

                                                     Favio's understudy Brian and the gang

                                           Beautiful Tiny Dancer Nairi, and her early admirers

                                        What a difference a year makes when you're growing up

                                                Right  Mateo and Freddy Fast on his Feet !?

                                              Jennyfer and Asuzzana, both Dancing Queen's
                                      and Jenny will dance in Shanghai for a 2nd time this year

                                                A plus plus English students Erik and Noe.
                                              They both know exactly where they want to go
                                                                           in life.  So exciting.

Photos November 20, 2017

Welcome 2018

Hello and Goodbye .... Two beautiful words ...
There was a lot of that this year, and here we still are, moving forward with love and gratitude and generosity .... always doing our best for ourselves and each other.

I hurt my foot mid November, and couldn't leave the house for 11 days !  A classic Yelapa mis-hap, walking without paying attention, which also involved walking backwards while chit chatting !!  Most unfortunate and upsetting especially since I have such a big mouth to warn people to pay attention, go slow and lift your feet, and never walk backwards !! So fortunate I didn't break a bone, just a little trauma to the tendon.  I'm back to normal enough to enjoy the dancing New Years Eve, but not enough to do a polka or a jig ! I'll have to make up for it next year !!

Busy busy around here, with day trippers and a lot of new faces cruising the trails, and lining up for tacos and chimichangas !! Not including the beach there are 7 places to eat lunch or dinner, and this season looks like it will be a good one. There were even people looking for Chesly Chicken from last year !!  That's a compliment to the Chef for sure !

The Police arrived not long ago, and are patrolloing the town at night, which seems to be working, so far, to stop the bad boys from carrying on.  IT's the one problem on everyones mind.  Water and Internet and Garbage collection all pale in comparison to the consequences of a few individuals who can ruin Yelapa's fine reputation for a safe, and unique adventure. 

It's always fun this time of year with all the goodies the part time residents bring down, from books and magazines and Globe and Mail, to chocolate and coffee and tea and spices just not available here.  You can tell a lot about a person by what they can't leave home without !! and what they are willing to share !! haha 

Waiting on Allison to deliver the pencil crayons and mermaid stickers I ordered for Colorado !! And Sun magazines from Deb, and The Globe from Michel, and The Devils Highway, from Alfonso.  Thank you all so much.  

I welcomed Faye to the Casita yesterday, where she'll stay for 3 months.  She who brings the beads and teaches us all to make jewlery !!  Love having her here !

On that note so much still to be done. It's sunny and cool here, low of 20 celcius !!  Sorry Nova Scotia and everywhere down the East Coast !!  I hope Mother Nature will be kinder to you in the coming months .  

I love taking pictures of the kids, and so will include a few more from this years Christmas Parties !!

Boxing Day was quieter than usual, which always works well just the same. I got to get to know some new people, but was thrilled to walk up and spend a few hours with our Angel
Gorgonia, alhil 4 ft 10 inches of her.  Must get her photo in my archieves !!

Best wishes for the coming year.  The next time I write, I'll be a year older !!  Check out Yelapa School next week for more updates !!

Thank you all for being my friends !!