Sunday, June 3, 2018

Water and Power

No rain yet !!  It's coming, we can see that, but when is the question ? There was a good soaking in downtown Puerto Vallarta last Monday, but nothing here.
It is amazing how some plants are giving off their flowers now, in such dry conditions, but the hills are bare, and waiting, like the rest of us.
I added 2 tarps on my roof this year, and a plastic tarp on the top crown . Something new I hope will keep out those first leaks of the season, before the palapa swells up, and is more or less, rain proof . A new roof is on the list, but I don't know if I will use palapa again or not, but most probably. It is
traditional, and cool, and very special to live here, in a
thatched roof, not easy, but special !!
In the meantime, favorite books are in their plastic bags, to protect from termites, and land crabs, and all their friends who drop in over the summer months.
It's house fly season right now, and ants are out in all their millions, different colours, sizes, and agendas !!
Not bad with mosquitoes yet, they too are waiting for rain, then they will visit for a little while, nothing nothing nothing,
compared to my little village in N.W.Ontario !! 
Like everything, over time we adjust. Instead of 4 seasons,
we have 2, wet and dry. I can't say I miss the 4 seasons.
I'm grateful I got to know them well, to play in the snow, 
and skate and slide and all the rest. Now, I have to watch my step for toads, and land crabs, and mud puddles, instead of
black ice !
The 7 High School Dancers who were given Visas to travel to USA, have already been there and back ! 
San Fransisco, San Jose, Santa Cruz !! 
What a roller coaster ride !
Difficult decision to leave their group behind, but how could they not go, with family there waiting to see them?
All is done now, and we move on to final month of classes, then exams, then Graduation in early July. 
There is a lot of school news, that I will post on
Yelapa School Project face book. If you don't have facebook, please go to the website, and scroll down to see the latest posts. Please give feedback on any issue of accessibility to the site. 
Grades 3 and 4 will finish the year early, since the those teachers have been transfered to another school !
We go through this almost every year !!
More on that at YelapaSchoolProject !! plus ...
Researching options for new computers for all of Junior High, Grades 7, 8, and 9. Approx. 60 students, now, but growing. Any feedback on Chrome books / tablets, in the classsroom ? Sounds like thats the way to go ... 
Mi Esquilita, My little school English Program coming along in fits and starts and bits and pieces. Back patio space privacy wall has been completed, for the time being, and it's
fantastic ! Sink has been installed and plumbing good to go ! 
I'm very pleased to move on to ... to ... whatever will evolve there. Painting, and drawing, and movement and eating snacks !!  Calling all volunteers !!   
Cafe Bajia sits, empty and forlorn.  It looks so small.
How Susana did what she did is remarkable. She's out of town now, with a friend, resting. Wishing her all the best in whatever lies ahead for her. Such a drastic event, with Ronco ending up in the hospital too ! He's home now, and happy.
His grandaughter Sol Kamila, celebrated her 15th birthday
in high style, for 2 days, and he was able to dance, a little, with her at the party. 
Electrical Outage was the main theme of May. Three times in less than 2 weeks. Once for 30 hours, once 18.  Without a generator, or solar power, to run your fridge, now is not the time to fill your freezer.  We learn that over and over, the hard way. Life really slows down, when there is no fan to retreat to.
30 hours to repair lines damaged by a fire in Tuito area.
Hopefully, that will be the end of that. 
Very quiet in town, but there was a wedding last night, with fireworks !! shake us up a little !! And some tourists walking along, and still many on Vallarta Adventure Day tours.
These tourists are guided through town now, to check out fruit trees and what not ?, since there is no water coming over the town waterfall to look at !! That will change soon, we hope.
There has need a Water Commissioner appointed, more like he graciously volunteered !  Pumps have been purchased,
the reservoir is under maintenance to improve capacity and etc. It's going to take a while to stabilize the whole procedure, but this is the critical stage, when the river runs dry.  With the rains, will come new life, and peace of mind.
There is not much to life, when the tanks run dry.
I am looking forward to summer holidays from school, but will the use the time to prepare for the coming new year.
Big changes abound. I also hope to get more time in with this blog, and my poetry pursuits. 
For now, I'm thrilled to listen live to NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs !! I can't live stream, but having it on the radio, 
here in my palapa, so far away, is a perfect life for me !!