Sunday, November 18, 2018

Welcome to high season

Time is flying by. Slows down for a little bit, but speeds up too, when we're not looking ! and bam ! winter has arrived,
also know here as dry season. Rainy season and dry. 

There are always water issues, but this time of year seems to be high need for cleaning lines of mud, repairing damage from fallen and rolling rocks, and machete the jungle back to get to the line in the first place ! 

Very low rain fall this year, and it was also late in coming.

The lines to this house are closed pending repair. 

Due diligence is so necessary to see where there are rusty and worn lines. Some lines rubber and some galvanized steel.
Each year I plan to walk the line with Abalardo, but I haven't done it yet !! I'll be okay with one 1200 litre tank for a while, but it means no laundry, no water for the garden, and conserve and reuse, as always.

More people, more garbage, that's a fact of life !!
Plastic Recycle depot is so necessary. Vallarta Adventures may have a program going again, but I'm not sure.
The Company brought in metal barrels for garbage, but some have disappeared again. They may have been too heavy to pick up and empty, plus they didn't have lids, and it could get pretty nasty in there ! 

There is a new " Sheriff " in town ! 
Known as the Deligado, serving terms of 2 years as our Government Representative, but this year we have a change to Deligada !!  Feminine !! 
Good Luck Vero !!

Everyone I've spoken to has had encouraging words for her, and confident she'll do a great job !!
There is a lot of clean up and repair going on in and around the facility of the new office, great place for recycle canisters !
Gaby continues to hold the office together, and remains constant. Thank You Gabriella !

The temperature dropped overnight, from a low of 23 to
a low of 19 !! Brrr ! Ocean temperature from 89 to 82 !!
It may be down to 79 or 80 now !! Crystal clear and good fishing ! Sunshine and clear skies ! Gorgeous !

So many tourists and part time residents return this time of year. Lots of hugs and kisses going around. 
All restaurants open, almost.
Cafe Bajia will be opening soon, in the location next door .

The first Yoga group arrived at The Sky Temple, and again our high school, aka Prepa, and Secundary dance teams will rotate performances every Tuesday evening, in El centro.
Dancing kicked off at the Yacht Club this year, at the request of a special wedding party !!  Great way for them to start the season !

Excitement builds for November 20th ... 
Day of the Revolution !
Parade on the beach and Fiesta in town that night !!
This is the night to choose a new Yelapa Queen !
My favorite Fiesta to take pictures !

Yelapa celebrates 30 of of Secondary School this year.
Grades 7, 8 and 9 !
Bitter sweet in one way without Maestro Pedro who started it all, but we will all do our best to make him proud !

I continue to volunteer at the high school, and am attracting more students to my little school in town, which is heart warming, and work making . I'm tossing ideas around how to fund a student to assist me .

We are all so stunned by the destruction in California. 
Heart breaking and so so scary, in so many ways.
Best Wishes to all.