Sunday, July 14, 2019

Rain rain come again ....

Welcome to Yelapa Town .... as they say on the tourist party boat !! 

Rain or shine it pulls into town, usually 2 or 3 of them,
and there are people still coming to visit this growing Yelapa town. This is low season, but the most tourists for this time of year that I remember ! 

It has been all sun and no rain these last 30 days. Many overcast days, but sunny breaks and full sun most days, although we received 1 inch at 6 am 3 days ago.
It was like a blizzard of rain rolled though the house.
A baby tornado, that lasted 30 minutes.
And that has been it, besides 1/3 of an inch yesterday.
That is all the rain we have had, for 7 months, give or take !!
We are very much on the edge of our seats.
Nothing to be done but wait, for rain, to come. 

We all depend on it, to replenish the rivers and reservoirs and streams and waterfalls. Without rain there is no water in the lines that supply our houses, and that could turn into a gigantic problem. 

Yelapa is a perfect place to practice patience, and gratitude.
Our connection and dependence to the planet is impossible
to ignore. 

Hot Hotter Hottest ! I carried an umbrella to Prepa graduation on the beach last week, to protect against the blazing sun !! First time I have done that, ever ! 
I attended all 4 ceremonies, and had a great time, and met some new people ! Always an exciting time, especially because school is now over until the end of August !!

There were many serious moments, many laughs and many tears too ! An enormous amount of work is needed to prepare for Graduation. The teachers here must work 2 or 3 times harder, then PV or even Boca. 
There are photos and commentary on Yelapa School Project Web page !

I opened a GoFundMe page, to support mi escuelita English Program, and have received $750.00 so far!!
Thank you friends !!
I am going to start mi escuelita Instagram, as recommended by JD, a high tech / graphic design graduate, of the 
University of Chicago,who dropped by ! 

The program will continue until August 8th, then a 3 week break, to begin again September. That will be the 2.5 year mark of the program ! 

Yelapa Student Scholarship Fund is still being created, by me, with advisers. The documents are being translated to Spanish, and next step to establish the best way to receive and be accountable for donations. 

In the meantime we mop and sweep and siesta and read, 
and repeat. Dream of and pray for and try not to think about

Stay calm. Be patient. Remain grateful .