Thursday, April 30, 2020

Good Night Eva

Sweet Eva, with the flowing hair, all the way down her back, at over 80 years old, though she almost never wore it down.
Catch her sometimes, sitting on the rock outside her house, brushing it out, the length of her arm. Stunning Eva.
She told me she remembers serving Jim Madden tacos, and beer, at her little cafe, 50 years ago. Gregorio has know her 45 years. Sweet Eva, calling your name as you walk by her place, her little cafe turned little store, turned Micheladas
Vicky !! 
Directions to the waterfall ?? Turn right at Eva's little store,
on the corner, and up the hill 5 minutes. Of course there was no sign that said Eva, and it wasn't what you would classify a store, really, but enough knick knacks and bolsas, and fishing lures hanging on the windows metal iron work, and she in her chair, next to her cat and her songbird.
After some time passed, it would be habit when walking by, to call her name first, even if she wasn't in her chair, she could see you from her room,or kitchen window, and it became a game, who said who first !  
She was ready with a laugh, and witty remark, many flying over my head, but always with good spirit ! 
Both of us trying to get Pedrito to study English. 
Her, pulling me inside the house to look for him, and he at
13 years old, trying desperately to hide ! 
Oh, she thought that was hilarious !
And a beloved Mother, and Grandmother, so close to to her grandkids. Sweet Susana, loved her so much, and cared for her so well, I feel her pain. 
A small service was able to be held at the Church, with burial following in the afternoon. She looked beautiful, in a soft print blouse, and bright pink cardigan. Her hair was up .
Nine days of prayers begin, as is tradition, but with distancing and masks needed this time.
It is a sad situation, all round.
Deligacion Yelapa posted a notice there will be applications available for government financial assistance, April 30 and  May 1 for anyone affected by the Corona Virus. 
That's good news.
Signing off, Good Night Eva, Rest in Peace Forever, xox

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Holy Holidays

What a disaster ! 
COVID 19 !
It just goes on and on and on. 
I have never watched so much news ! I certainly feel more connected to the rest of the world, as in other disasters that have befallen us. 

All restaurants on the beach are closed. So sad.
Restaurants in town open for take out orders only. 
Pollo Bollo still crazy busy, as usual !

153 cases in Puerto Vallarta, is what I heard the other day.
There are road blocks on Highway 200, including on the road down into Boca de Tomatlan. If you are not a resident, or have essential business, you will be turned away. Residents only on water taxis. This is good.

People from Yelapa still travelling, many wearing masks, on the boat and around town, in the stores and restaurants too. 

Schools have a tentative date of May 6th, to re open, but we ll shall see. Students are required to continue with 2 hours of reading, and other homework. My English lessons are poplular, probably because they are so comical, and not on purpose !

All our hand washing and distancing will go on for sometime.
Nothing to be done, except get good at it !
A challenge in a little village.
This feels like a safe place to be, as long as we keep the virus out of Yelapa. If anyone falls ill here, we are really in for a challenge !!

Fish are biting, Red Snapper to be exact. I hear the fishermen getting in their boats at 4:30 am, to first go catch the squid or minnows they are using, that the Red Snapper love to eat !
So Yelapanes have rich fresh food to look forward, as long as there's fish in the sea ! 

I'll do my best to stay up to date with any developments. 
In the meantime .....
Wash your hands and Don't Touch Your Face !!