Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 ! Week One

The year started with rain !!  Steady rain all day , 36 hours of it to be somewhat exact.

No one remembers when it rained so hard at this time of year.  It wasn't a " gully washer "

like the summer rain storms, but it was heavy at times.  Enough to have the mops and rags

out soaking up the water that gets blown in to the front of my house.  It was a nice gift

really, the jungle will stay green longer, and all the new transplants in the garden are loving

it... and less work watering the yard, at least for another few days.  The sun is shining now,

and it's a perfect Yelapa day.  The ocean is a little chunky, and the breeze a little cool, but

the sun is warm, and the sky is clear.  

One of the Water Taxis ( Beautiful Sea I believe ) ran into a Whale on the morning of Dec.

30th.  Rounding the point on the way to PV at 9:30, with a full load, as you can well imagine,

and the Whale came up right under them !! Luckily, no one was hurt, even though the boat

was craked and was taking in water !  They turned right around and made it back to Yelapa,

and transfered everyone to another boat, and off they went.  I haven't talked to anyone who 

was on the ride, or had friends on the ride, but a trip to the beach will fill me in on the

details.  It;s the first time anyone remembers that happening, and let's hope it doesn't

happen again !

New Years Eve was a great time at the Yacht Club, as always.  The best dance floor, even

when it's packed.  It started to sprinkle even before midnoght, but that didn't stop the fun !

There were floating lanterns and fireworks.  We went on to the Mexican Dance around 1:00

and I got in my Polka, with Dona Antonia, no less !! So much fun ! But headed home around

2:30, just when the place was starting to fill up.  The party went till 5, as to be expected.

I recited Sam McGee, to my own enjoyment, and danced a jig for Gregorio, before our

dinner guests arrived.  I did play Barrett's Privaters for our guests, and being Canadian, at

least one of them was able to sing along with me.  

I am expecting an arrival today, guests in the Casita.  It has been a mad rush to get it ready,

and  I have been busy with rentals at Casa Delfin, so have been managing three houses, so

it's time for a break.  Looking forward to the last line of laundry for a few days.

I have the Sunday New York Times to look forward to, doesn't matter it's December 2 issue.

Old news is new news to most of us here. 

Next step will be working with Mimi, tiding up and finishing the painting, making the

curtains and starting to set up shop.  It will be a nice diversion, get me out the house, and

I get to be with Mimi.  I am looking forward to making that space sweet and dandy, it has

so much potential , and with Mimi and I committed, there is no where to go but UP !

I heard from so many dear friends on Facebook, commenting on the passing of our friends

Fraser and Nick.  Some times I feel closer to those so far away.  So much time and space

has passed between us, and yet with the Internet it feels like it was only yesterday, we

were all young, with the world at our feet.  I'm grateful I am still standing, in a home and

community I love.  I miss all those who have gone before me, and I will never forget.

I am getting much pleasure and insight from the Sacred Path Cards and from The Medicine

Cards, both new for Christmas.  I also enjoy the Power Path Website, ( The school of

Shaminism ) check it out for Monthly Astrological Forecasts. 

There is inspiration all around us.  I hope the Year is full of wonder and delight, for us all.

Much Muchness ....


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