Sunday, February 3, 2013

even in yelapa ...

Super Bowl Sunday ... even in Yelapa . 

It was not that long ago when TV here was such a novelty.  I remember going up & down the beach with a sign, informing the people sipping margaritas, that The Eclipse Restaurant
would be showing the Olympic Hockey Game ...USA v/s Canada ....
No one believed me, how was it possible ? 

Tonight you can watch the game in more than 5 different places !
Passion Flower Gardens would be my choice, but I am staying home ...
It's not the Leafs, it's not the Stanley Cup!

There has been an influx of the New Year Residents, and they have brought with them new movies, so I am keeping current with that scene, but it's still easy to stay away from the CNN kind of News. 

" Old-timers " recall when John Lennon was shot, and someone brought in the news, but there was no way to confirm, or get information, you were that isolated.  In some ways it's
still that way, bad or good.

For instance, my phone hasn't been working since my birthday. Telmx is on the job, but it could still take a month.  Back to the Dark Ages, except I have a cell phone now, and so does everyone else in Yelapa, so i manage to get by.  I love having Sykpe, and Internet service is good.

I laugh when guests arrive and are so pleased and impressed by the speed and clarity of the wireless connection at the house ... just as good or better than my place, they say, with a
sigh of relief. 

I do keep in touch with the World with CBC.COM now and then, and now I have a supply of Globe & Mails,which I enjoy very much.

Life goes on. 

There are still Whales jumping in front of Water Taxis, and playing around at the point. 

Dolphins in the bay 3 days in a row.  That means there are little fish in there, but no
one is catching very much.  It's not until there is none, that's when we pay attention.
Like water in the tap, it's there, until it's not, and then it's a problem.

The sea was rough over the full moon, as usual, and will be even rougher in February, so
fishermen consider it a waste of gas to even go out. 

It's that day to day existence that you see up close, that makes Yelapa so attractive to me.
The simple ways of survival; catch your own fish, make your own tortillas ( as if ), beans,
carrots, rice.  These people live past 100, some no glasses, and yes, no teeth, but alive and
well, living off Mother Nature.

It's easy to go back in time and feel the pioneers coming down the mountain and discovering this bay.  All the stories of the Revolution and the Indians of the hill standing guard. 
The New Mexican Government awarding this land as a " Reservation " of sorts,
for those peoples that stood guard .... that leads us to where we are now .
Such rich stories to be told.

Dona Antonia, who shares my Mother's Birthday, will be 96 this June.  She has lived in Yelapa close to 80 years !  Her husband, Don Andraes, rowed them here in a dug out canoe from the North somewhere. It  took 4 days.  He had been here already, and was somewhat established, which meant a palapa roof over a dirt floor, but he had a boat and he was a fisherman and there were lots of fish in the sea then.

There are still fish in the sea. I watch Julian come in every day, but Sunday, and he is very, rarely, empty handed.  N. and B. head out every morning, from the playita below my
house. They are born to it.  The ocean is in their blood, it is their blood.  Silent Jim says N. is a natural born killer. Spear gun v/s fish, fish loses.

They sell their fish to markets in PV but also to Pollo Bollo Restaurant.Famous since 1987.  With utmost confidence, and some pride, I can tell my guests and visitors that the grilled fish at PB, will be one of the best fish dinners they will ever enjoy, in their life ! 

I have never been wrong.

I especially like it when  I can point out the fisherman,enjoying their catch with their family,
and the rest of us.  We can say thank you, up close & personal.

I see these hard working, devoted, committed fisherman every morning.  I often hear them
without seeing.  I could tell you by the sound who's boat is who.  We know when they will
be back and watch to see the catch. Waiting to buy your fish, off the boat, from someone
you like, and trust ... Priceless !!

I am very excited about the clearing Silvario did with his Machette behind the Casita banos.
I had a complete vision when I saw it done.  The old cement water sinks discovered from under the jungle; an outdoor kitchen built long ago.
There is an upper rock foundation for a tent or studio or green house ... it could be a fantastic
garden area. So many possibilities, so much potential.

Nirvana, Serendipity, Paradise: either which way, it's magic to me .

until next week ....

be well ....

stay clear of churches, hospitals and political rallys.... 

may you dream of grilled fish, fresh tortillas ... and candy apples on the beach !


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