Sunday, June 16, 2013

I've seen thunder ... but ...

                                        You know what they are ... but how do you spell it ??
                                                           Used for making juice

               A perfect Hibiscuss at Casa Vieja

... no rain to speak of ... threatening, with a small sprinkle this morning but that's it for today.  Of cource it's the topic of conversation ...  calor calor calor ...

These gray clouds hiding the sun relfect the most incredible light and shadows.
Yesterday evening the ocean was purple and the beach was pink, and the hillside a mixture of the two. And everything so calm .... before the storm ??

The white seedpods are still falling, from which tree I don't know exactly.  The are thousands
of them and they look like snowflakes to me .... ahh ... snowflakes.
That's what I think of when it just gets to hot to handle .... Lake Superior, washing my face in the snowbank, ( usually it's the bully doing it for you ), licking icicles, putting my barefeet into ice skates ... ahh ...

I've gone to Isabel's beach the last 3 days, and that is so refreshing.  Since I don't really know how to swim, I will have to get another " floatie " so I can stay in longer, since a 3 minute dip doesn't really cool you off for long. 

There are some new faces on the path, which is encouraging.  Still some tourists spreading  money around. Vallarta Adventures is still coming in a few times a week, but somedays
it looks like less than 20 people on board.  Puerto Vallarta will get the Mexican Tourists once school shuts down 3 weeks from now. Some trickle over here, but PV is the big destination.
Everyone loves the all inclusive, I guess that's the biggest bang for your buck .

There have been a lot of Bonita in the bay, little Jorge caught over 20 the other day ...ceviche
for everyone !! and Ronco and a couple brothers went way south and caught 2 mid size Tuna, so that's a good sign.  I've been told the Giant Sea Bass was 105 kilos, not 85, and that's without the guts ... what is it with fish that they always seem to get bigger after they're dead ?  The bay was full of Dolfins this morning, big ones, and that's a good sign too.

It didn't even rain enough to get the land crabs out, but we know they are under the rocks,
waiting, like the rest of us....

My " moso " Silverio, has gone to PV for the summer.  He'll stay with his niece, and she'll
feed him over these lean summer months, which is good, but I'll miss him.

My Globe & Mail newspaper arrived the other day.  Almost exactly 2 months to the day it was mailed.  The postmaster even hollered at me walking by, that he thought it was there, I've been bugging him about it enough.  I wonder what Margarito gets paid for the job ?
I'm sure it isn't enough !

Last week in the PV Mirror newspaper there was an article on Yelapa written by the " PV on
49 brain cell" author, about Gregonia's crazy little window store, and the chickens living in the abandoned, unfinished " hotel " at the lagoon.  It was short and sweet and funny.
The Tribune newspaper  is asking for stories about living in the PV area over the summer, so I will send in a story or two.

The river is a stream and the lagoon is a puddle. There is a new light on the hill, above the hotel, and to the right.  A big, bright spotlight, that is on a timer.  We are hoping it's just there while something new is being constructed. 

I don't know if Mexico celebrates Father's Day.  I'm guessing they do, but nothing like they
do for Mother's Day. at least not here in Yelapa. Happy Father's Day to all the Padres north
and south.  It was my Mothers Birthday this past Wednesday, she would have been
93, and Dona Antonia celebrated her 96th on the same day ... and she's still going strong !

She said when she arrived, by canoe ( it took 4 days to paddle here ) 75 !! years ago there
were only 12 houses !  Now the census has counted over 2, ooo people !
I love imagining what it must have been like years ago.  She said when you were at the sea, cleaning your daily catch, you could pick up a lobster or a bucket of clams, or mussels, or
any number of shellfish that just aren't around here, like that , anymore.

But we do have Pollo Bollo, and that's where I'm heading tonight.  No lobster, so the BBQ
Ribs will have to do .... not too hard to take !

I am not a very good picture taker, but little by little I'll get into the swing of things.

I hope everyone is having a great summer so for, and there are lots of adventures ahead ...

until next week .... keep dancing, keep singing, keep cool !!  think snow ....
                    The Trans Canada highway close to my hometown .... taken this past May !!

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