Monday, October 21, 2013

keep on keepin

Hola ... Yesterday my blog disappeared ?  but it's back today ?? is that just a Mexico glitch or
maybe an internal google problem ??  and why do they call it a blog when i think it should be a blurb ??  First things first ... little Jesus Felipe died in Guadalajara last week.  So sad for the Mom & Dad, first baby and all.  Poor little guy just couldn't make it once the tubes and such were taken out, and he'd been through so much already.  They had the funeral here, but I couldn't go, too sad with the little box and so many people.  Pollo Bollo was packed last night with everyone. The taxi was packed this morning too.  Soon Yelapa will be back to full capacity, we hope.  I admit I like having the Village " all to myself " but no business would survive if they depended on me, so it's exciting to think the rainy season is behind us, and old friends and new are booking their flights to join us in this little paradise.
Except paradise smells like something died in my front yard !  I guess that will be the first job tomorrow .... looking for that smell.  I've had to do this once before and SJ is the expert sniffer outer !  ... doubt I'll include that in my next ESL lesson ?? I don't have much to say this week.  I have been keeping my nose to the grindstone at Mimis Cafe & Bazaar.  Paint and more paint. All the restaurants are busy cleaning chairs, varnishing, painting, pressure washing. Getting ready for the season.  Tacos y mas to open on the 4th, I heard.  Ray's is going strong at the old Casa Imagination.  I haven't been yet, but will try the Pizza this weekend ! I unpacked my books from summer storage this week.  All my favorites, Poetry and Writing Books, and Canadiana ! We always appreciate books, magazines and newspapers ... I still feel isolated when it comes to reading material !
Gotta get a move on !! Want to watch Downton Abbey tonight ! How isolated is that ? I could even get all the NHL games if I signed up , like the Russells do.  They keep me well informed.
Maybe I'll sign up when the Leafs actually make it to the play offs !  Love to all and keep on keepin on  !!  xx  k

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