What crazy weather we're having, and everyone seems to agree, no matter where they live !
I was chatting with my friend from grade school, who still lives in the North, she's thinking about coming down to visit, and I told her it was very pleasant 80 degrees, it was -23 where she was ... way too cold for so early in the year ... and they have already had a major blizzard ! It rained here, again, only 4 days ago, but I won't complain about the temperature here, even if it is over cast and grey again today.
Into PV but our papers weren't ready ?! and so we still have 2 more trips. I've been through this in the USA and it isn't straight forward dealing with Immigration anywhere. Luckily the Information woman at the front desk is a Saint, who speaks English. She really deserves a box of Tim Horton donuts, but since those aren't available here, I would love to bring her a
famous Yelapa Pie on the last visit.
The 8:30 am Taxi is running now, but it won't be till after American Thanksgiving that the
Tourist Season is in full swing. I must check on all the afternoon times leaving PV, as I have
guests arriving soon. I think there is a 5:30 and even a 6:30 from Boca, but they arrive after
dark, which I don't recommend for your first time, or you've been away for a while, or you are checking in to a rental. Coming home is one thing, but learning your way around a new place, in the dark, can leave yourself open for avoidable mishaps, like fumbling around for the light switch, losing your flashlight, missing a step, not checking the bed and pillows
properly, leaving your suitcase open or your valuables on the kitchen table over night, etc. etc.etc. A big part of the adventure is getting here, but you don't want to start with the biggest one first ! at least I wouldn't. I time my trips around the new and full moon as much as possible, especially in Jan/Feb/Mar. It's pretty obvious how the moon and the sea communicate around those times, and I prefer to watch from my house, rather than a boat.
And ALWAYS keep your hands and fingers in the boat, AWAY from the sides especially at
the pier, and don't be a show off ! Focus. When you walk around, Go Slow and Lift your Feet. Don't stick your hands, face, nose, feet etc., anywhere you can't see what's there,
remember to shake everything ... then you should be fine ! Sweeping the Casita and wiping the Kitchen counters, I killed 3 Scorpions within a few hours. I saw them way before they got close to me, because I was very very careful, and was going slow. That's one reason why Mexican Woman are seen, and depicted, sweeping everywhere and everything ... getting rid of those bad bugs. We have learnt with Sting Ray how important staying sedentary is after the Sting, keep the poison centralized as much as possible. Poor guy found out the hard way, but back on the trail the other day, so that's good news . Searching PV for the Anti Venom, to keep on hand.
...speaking of Fish ... the Vinny caught a fish so big the other day, it was hanging over both sides of the boat ... I'm not kidding ... A Needle Fish, Spear Fish, not sure, but big ... very big.
He cleaned it in the Bay because he probably needed to be tied up to something to get around it ? What a scene, him pulling into the bay with this giant prize, almost bigger than his boat. All the other boats come round to get a look, of course, and I watched through the binoculars, until it got too messy. I feel for the Fish sometimes, I really do, and I know I'm not alone, but I'm not going to stop eating them anytime soon. I haven't cleaned and gutted the one I said I would this summer, try again next summer, maybe after I do that, I won't eat them anymore ?
I had a converstion ! with Fast Eddy aka CrazyEnrique, on the path the other day. He was
a little anxious about something that had happened the night before, I have no idea what, but that reminded him of a story he began to tell me, and before he could deliver the ending he started laughing, uncontrolably, almost, although trying his best to get out the ending.
He laughed so hard it got me laughing and we were both in tears on the path. I was understanding 1/14 th of what he was saying, but it was something about the old days and
Primitvo ? finding out he had Cancer ? and killing himself with an emergency flare from one of the boats ? ... put it under his chin and blew his head off ? I must have missed something, because that doesn't sound very funny to me, but it had us in stitches !
Mix that with the Fish story and you have one special, crazy place !
I have the picture of Enrique in a nice frame ready to give to him, we shall see what his reaction is. He can't say Thank You Kelley; he doesn't know my name.
I have sad news from Canada, Rick Kennedy, a dear friend from Childhood died, at 54 yrs.
Cancer. It hasn't sunk in yet. That's 3 of my guy pals, dead in 2 years. I had a lovely lunch with Rick, and his wife and Fraser 2 years ago, both men on Chemo then, and both gone now. Rest in Peace you guys, and keep watching over me .... all my love always ...
tu amiga
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
rain rain rain
....If you are coming today, as a few of you are .... Be Prepared .... it poured almost all day Saturday, no power overnight until 2 pm. Slowed down the Croquet game, just a little, and
everything else too. Lots of tourists on the Beach, the Hotel is full, or close to it, but Saturday was not a day for the beach . The rest of us are Tired of the dirt and mud and brown water, not only in the ocean but our Water Tanks too ....!! It is so hard to complain because yesterday, Sunday, and today are stunning clear sky and blue sea, the perfect breeze at 7 am, 22 degrees .... please God let it stop raining for a few months ...This sounds funny but I'm not joking, I'll have to get lily a kitty litter box for those kinds of days, poor girl,
would you want to pee outside in a downpour in your fur coat ?
Pam & Jim arrived safely, although it was dark and drizzling, but there was a crew and a "Moto" waiting to deliver them up the hill. I'll have to wait a few days till she gets to the box with my Globe & Mails ...
Today is a National Holiday, and so is Wednesday, November 20th, Dia de Revolution ... the Parade on the beach, which is always so much fun...if it doesn't rain !! I hope I can get photos for you ...
Not a good week to be waiting on Immigration, but all in due time.
If you are on FB check out Casa Pepe, my new preoccupation of the moment, such a beautiful spot, one of the first palapas in Yelapa, home to Don Pepe, the Grandson of a Mexican President ... Diaz perhaps ?? I still am working with Casa Delfin, and expecting guests at both places this week ... and then hopefully the Season is in full swing ...
There will be the annual American Thanksgiving Feast at April's, which I am looking forward to. Music and sing along and poetry ... perhaps I should be prepared to read a couple of my Yelapa poems ??
Short and sweet this week. I posted a few photos, and trying to learn how to put together a
slide show, but I don't have a lot of spare time till these houses get organized and ready for business ... not to mention Mimis ... The first Friday she was ready to open, it was raining
hard, and most of her tables are outside so that wouldn't work, and still waiting on our musicians to arrive ... but ... all in due time ....
Wishing you all the best and safe travels ... see you all soon ...
everything else too. Lots of tourists on the Beach, the Hotel is full, or close to it, but Saturday was not a day for the beach . The rest of us are Tired of the dirt and mud and brown water, not only in the ocean but our Water Tanks too ....!! It is so hard to complain because yesterday, Sunday, and today are stunning clear sky and blue sea, the perfect breeze at 7 am, 22 degrees .... please God let it stop raining for a few months ...This sounds funny but I'm not joking, I'll have to get lily a kitty litter box for those kinds of days, poor girl,
would you want to pee outside in a downpour in your fur coat ?
Pam & Jim arrived safely, although it was dark and drizzling, but there was a crew and a "Moto" waiting to deliver them up the hill. I'll have to wait a few days till she gets to the box with my Globe & Mails ...
Today is a National Holiday, and so is Wednesday, November 20th, Dia de Revolution ... the Parade on the beach, which is always so much fun...if it doesn't rain !! I hope I can get photos for you ...
Not a good week to be waiting on Immigration, but all in due time.
If you are on FB check out Casa Pepe, my new preoccupation of the moment, such a beautiful spot, one of the first palapas in Yelapa, home to Don Pepe, the Grandson of a Mexican President ... Diaz perhaps ?? I still am working with Casa Delfin, and expecting guests at both places this week ... and then hopefully the Season is in full swing ...
There will be the annual American Thanksgiving Feast at April's, which I am looking forward to. Music and sing along and poetry ... perhaps I should be prepared to read a couple of my Yelapa poems ??
Short and sweet this week. I posted a few photos, and trying to learn how to put together a
slide show, but I don't have a lot of spare time till these houses get organized and ready for business ... not to mention Mimis ... The first Friday she was ready to open, it was raining
hard, and most of her tables are outside so that wouldn't work, and still waiting on our musicians to arrive ... but ... all in due time ....
Wishing you all the best and safe travels ... see you all soon ...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Birds of Paradise on the stairway
Bella Donna at Casa Blanca ... waiting for my own to grow
Evening Visitors
Bella Donna at Casa Blanca ... waiting for my own to grow
Monday, November 11, 2013
yelapa lesson # 17a
Lesson 17 a. Sub section 4, Ants, Section 5, Insects ....Do not fight an Army of Ants in your bare feet. You may have a giant can of poison, a power full water hose, and a broom, but there are millions of them, and it only takes one to make you dance in pain !!
That's how I spent the better part of an hour yesterday morning. I don't care how close they get to the house, as long as they stay on their side, which is outside. The line is pretty thin between in and out, but with perseverance, they can be trained. Don't they have a reputation as being very smart ? I am very happy to report no death or illness or Scorpion stings in the village this week, that I'm aware of. The day after Sing Ray's adventure, his
piggy back man was employed once again, to carry a visitor who had the same misfortune.
Hopefully he won't have any more of that business for a while. Crazy how someone can be here for a week or month can have the experience, and yet I know of a few who have been here for years and years and never got stung. You just never know, but still, be informed.
Mimi opened Friday Night !! Just a trail run, limited menu, but the bar up and running. That means I really have to get a move on ! My camera died, or at least is very very sick.
That means no photos of Mimis, or the Quincenara, but I may be able to retrieve them later.
I'm hoping it's the same problem the phone has, humidity, and if and when it ever dries out around here, the power may come back. I see the display feature on the phone slowly starting to return. The Queen of the Night, Alondra was beautiful in a rich, deep pink, and her Mom is a gorgeous blue. The Birria was delicious, I ate everything on my plate. I was
sitting with the little brother, and got a kick out of him showing me how to use my tortilla to soak up the sauce. There was a great slide show of Alohandra, as a child, and recent shots of her doing some pretty professional modelling stunts. I have to investigate the whole production of her Mom presenting a new pair of shoes, and helping her put them on, as she sat on her throne, the crown too, was presented on a velvet pillow. There was the Grande Finale which included the regular fire hazard, sparklers a little too close to the balloons, which sounded like firecrackers when they all started popping. Not really anything to worry about, since there's nothing that can catch on fire, all concrete and plastic, but don't stand too close ! The Cake was the highlight. After dinner they turned on the light, at the bottom of the thing, and a waterfall also came on ... how the hell it made it here in one piece, or 8 pieces, is beyond me. I was home by 10:00 ! My Casita is 95% ready. Yahoo ! I spent the day
up there yesterday, and heard a lot of noise in the jungle. It wasn't a dog, so I figured it was a Chacalaca bird or the like, but it was getting closer and closer and I looked out to see a giant Iguana, all brown and gold and green. So prehistoric. It's really something to see.
If you spot them in the tree you can get a good look with binoculars, but this one was moving fast up the hill, after he gave lily and I the stare down. Just shake you head and get on with your work ! The weather is getting better, low of 22 high of 33, party cloudy. Saturday was my first day back in the ocean, and actually could sit in the sun for 20 minutes or so.
Tuna is running again right now. They were jumping out of the water in front of my house the other day, and Pargo is on the menu for tonight. By the time I write my next blog half of you will already be here, isn't that exciting ! Really nice to have familiar friendly faces around. Silverio back in fine form and will be here today with his trusty machete, a never ending job, until December at least. A few of the banana tress are giving good bunches of fruit, but you have to watch them carefully, and cut them down and hang them safe before the bats get at them, that's another one of Silverio's jobs, and he takes it very seriously. Banana trees are great because the give off so many babies, and provide some privacy from the trail, are pretty to look at, and give food. Some Papaya tress growing, but I don't think the avocado made it, but I'm not giving up. The trees up river are loaded down with Avocados and I'd really like some of my own. First Immigration appointment went off like a bad dream, but it's over now, though it took me a couple of days to recover, and poor Patti just about expired from the whole ordeal. We got her papers stamped with only 15 minutes till closing, and now wait 10 days to return for fingerprints, and final payment. I will be having a celebration when it's all over, by American Thanksgiving I hope ! Today is Remembrance Day in Canada, when we wear our Poppies, and Veteran's Day in the USA. I don't suppose they have many War Dead to honour in Mexico, the Revolutionaries of course, but the concept of WW 1 and WW 2 probably doesn't weigh on them as it does us Northerner's.
My Grandfather was a WW 1 Vet, at the time of his death he had been the last surviving Vet
for miles around. He laid a wreath every year, and I was always so proud and happy to watch and participate in the Ceremony. At his funeral service, when The Last Post was played at the Cemetery, well a good thing Ck was there to catch me before I fell to the ground. What a man he was. A very very different world he grew up in, and I benefited
greatly from his influence ... William Edward Cavanaugh ... 1895 - 1984 .. Lest We Forget ..
Have a great week everyone. Be safe on the road, and Hasta Pronto ....
Skype ya later Hugo !
That's how I spent the better part of an hour yesterday morning. I don't care how close they get to the house, as long as they stay on their side, which is outside. The line is pretty thin between in and out, but with perseverance, they can be trained. Don't they have a reputation as being very smart ? I am very happy to report no death or illness or Scorpion stings in the village this week, that I'm aware of. The day after Sing Ray's adventure, his
piggy back man was employed once again, to carry a visitor who had the same misfortune.
Hopefully he won't have any more of that business for a while. Crazy how someone can be here for a week or month can have the experience, and yet I know of a few who have been here for years and years and never got stung. You just never know, but still, be informed.
Mimi opened Friday Night !! Just a trail run, limited menu, but the bar up and running. That means I really have to get a move on ! My camera died, or at least is very very sick.
That means no photos of Mimis, or the Quincenara, but I may be able to retrieve them later.
I'm hoping it's the same problem the phone has, humidity, and if and when it ever dries out around here, the power may come back. I see the display feature on the phone slowly starting to return. The Queen of the Night, Alondra was beautiful in a rich, deep pink, and her Mom is a gorgeous blue. The Birria was delicious, I ate everything on my plate. I was
sitting with the little brother, and got a kick out of him showing me how to use my tortilla to soak up the sauce. There was a great slide show of Alohandra, as a child, and recent shots of her doing some pretty professional modelling stunts. I have to investigate the whole production of her Mom presenting a new pair of shoes, and helping her put them on, as she sat on her throne, the crown too, was presented on a velvet pillow. There was the Grande Finale which included the regular fire hazard, sparklers a little too close to the balloons, which sounded like firecrackers when they all started popping. Not really anything to worry about, since there's nothing that can catch on fire, all concrete and plastic, but don't stand too close ! The Cake was the highlight. After dinner they turned on the light, at the bottom of the thing, and a waterfall also came on ... how the hell it made it here in one piece, or 8 pieces, is beyond me. I was home by 10:00 ! My Casita is 95% ready. Yahoo ! I spent the day
up there yesterday, and heard a lot of noise in the jungle. It wasn't a dog, so I figured it was a Chacalaca bird or the like, but it was getting closer and closer and I looked out to see a giant Iguana, all brown and gold and green. So prehistoric. It's really something to see.
If you spot them in the tree you can get a good look with binoculars, but this one was moving fast up the hill, after he gave lily and I the stare down. Just shake you head and get on with your work ! The weather is getting better, low of 22 high of 33, party cloudy. Saturday was my first day back in the ocean, and actually could sit in the sun for 20 minutes or so.
Tuna is running again right now. They were jumping out of the water in front of my house the other day, and Pargo is on the menu for tonight. By the time I write my next blog half of you will already be here, isn't that exciting ! Really nice to have familiar friendly faces around. Silverio back in fine form and will be here today with his trusty machete, a never ending job, until December at least. A few of the banana tress are giving good bunches of fruit, but you have to watch them carefully, and cut them down and hang them safe before the bats get at them, that's another one of Silverio's jobs, and he takes it very seriously. Banana trees are great because the give off so many babies, and provide some privacy from the trail, are pretty to look at, and give food. Some Papaya tress growing, but I don't think the avocado made it, but I'm not giving up. The trees up river are loaded down with Avocados and I'd really like some of my own. First Immigration appointment went off like a bad dream, but it's over now, though it took me a couple of days to recover, and poor Patti just about expired from the whole ordeal. We got her papers stamped with only 15 minutes till closing, and now wait 10 days to return for fingerprints, and final payment. I will be having a celebration when it's all over, by American Thanksgiving I hope ! Today is Remembrance Day in Canada, when we wear our Poppies, and Veteran's Day in the USA. I don't suppose they have many War Dead to honour in Mexico, the Revolutionaries of course, but the concept of WW 1 and WW 2 probably doesn't weigh on them as it does us Northerner's.
My Grandfather was a WW 1 Vet, at the time of his death he had been the last surviving Vet
for miles around. He laid a wreath every year, and I was always so proud and happy to watch and participate in the Ceremony. At his funeral service, when The Last Post was played at the Cemetery, well a good thing Ck was there to catch me before I fell to the ground. What a man he was. A very very different world he grew up in, and I benefited
greatly from his influence ... William Edward Cavanaugh ... 1895 - 1984 .. Lest We Forget ..
Have a great week everyone. Be safe on the road, and Hasta Pronto ....
Skype ya later Hugo !
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Shrimp Boat
The boats in the Bay last night were Tuna Boats
but there're about the same size as this one
there is a little orange helicopter on top
Sting Ray
Happy Halloween everybody ... I actually had trick or' treaters' ... 7 boys with Plastic Spider Moustaches !!? which they held onto their face ! There was one small Dracula. I made them all say trick or treat of course, and handed out a few packs of chocolate chip cookies and bag of peanuts. The kids dress up at school too, at least in Kinder. I dressed up once for the Valentine Masquerade Ball, the key piece being a wig, my pink satin lounge wear and basically all my jewelry, with John Lennon glasses. As I walked through town I was getting a lot of attention, and finally one of the woman told me I looked like the Mexican Version of something like our Fairy Godmother ...I forgot the name she said, but maybe Deb can help me find out, and we can find a picture. Danny's party at El Hardin Friday was pretty special, especially since Craig & Danny's Mom went to High School together. There was a Bonfire on the beach and fireworks Saturday Night with more of Danny's friends to Celebrate his life.
I believe the frog is gone for good. We put him in a bucket and took him out to the stream at Playa Isabel. Nothing would surprise me. Wanting to put my curtains up in the Casita, but still overcast and threat of a storm. Huge lightening way out over the bay, towards Punta Mita last night, but couldn't hear the thunder. Two Huge Tuna boats came into the bay, for protection I guess ... Lite up the whole place until they left at 2 am ... lucky for me I sleep like a baby and heard nothing. One of them back this afternoon ?? Lower humidity today but strong wind gusts. Large white clouds in a grey blue sky. The wind is blowing littlepieces of the roof off and they dance all across the floor.
Mimi didn't open Friday. Too much going on already and the weather is not cooperating.
We'll be ready when we're ready, but we are getting very close and very very excited !!
The time changed here last week. I figured it out, like most people, when we saw the taxi at 10:30 instead of 9:30 and the Cascada at 11:00 instead of 10:00 ... days do seem longer, but in bed earlier too. Preparing for Immigration Tuesday. It will take 3 trips in, but come out a Permanent Resident .. incredible . Lots of people with flu and sore throat. The Clinic didn't have the "standard " antibiotics my friend needed for her 10 month old and she had to make a trip to PV. ???? It can't be easy keeping up with the Inventory here. Curious now as to how it all comes together, and we do have an English Speaking Yelapa resident very active in supporting the Clinic. She has a lot of info ! They do have the Scorpion Anti Venom though, as we ( unfortunately ) found out at the Party Friday Night. Heading out the door to go home, Ray was stung on the foot. Spent the night at EH, most of Saturday at the Clinic,
Saturday night at a friends close to the Clinic, and has finally made it home. It all involved
a lot of coordination and chaos. Including boat rides, piggy back rides, and wheelbarrow rides. I've named this weeks blog in his honour ! New Moon today but I think we'll have to wait a little longer to see our star lite sky ... I think I better go batten down the hatches ...
ps Since RR's misadventure or as some say Yelapa Baptism, we didn't watch the Hockey Game, but he saved me some misery as my team lost 4 - 0 !
I believe the frog is gone for good. We put him in a bucket and took him out to the stream at Playa Isabel. Nothing would surprise me. Wanting to put my curtains up in the Casita, but still overcast and threat of a storm. Huge lightening way out over the bay, towards Punta Mita last night, but couldn't hear the thunder. Two Huge Tuna boats came into the bay, for protection I guess ... Lite up the whole place until they left at 2 am ... lucky for me I sleep like a baby and heard nothing. One of them back this afternoon ?? Lower humidity today but strong wind gusts. Large white clouds in a grey blue sky. The wind is blowing littlepieces of the roof off and they dance all across the floor.
Mimi didn't open Friday. Too much going on already and the weather is not cooperating.
We'll be ready when we're ready, but we are getting very close and very very excited !!
The time changed here last week. I figured it out, like most people, when we saw the taxi at 10:30 instead of 9:30 and the Cascada at 11:00 instead of 10:00 ... days do seem longer, but in bed earlier too. Preparing for Immigration Tuesday. It will take 3 trips in, but come out a Permanent Resident .. incredible . Lots of people with flu and sore throat. The Clinic didn't have the "standard " antibiotics my friend needed for her 10 month old and she had to make a trip to PV. ???? It can't be easy keeping up with the Inventory here. Curious now as to how it all comes together, and we do have an English Speaking Yelapa resident very active in supporting the Clinic. She has a lot of info ! They do have the Scorpion Anti Venom though, as we ( unfortunately ) found out at the Party Friday Night. Heading out the door to go home, Ray was stung on the foot. Spent the night at EH, most of Saturday at the Clinic,
Saturday night at a friends close to the Clinic, and has finally made it home. It all involved
a lot of coordination and chaos. Including boat rides, piggy back rides, and wheelbarrow rides. I've named this weeks blog in his honour ! New Moon today but I think we'll have to wait a little longer to see our star lite sky ... I think I better go batten down the hatches ...
ps Since RR's misadventure or as some say Yelapa Baptism, we didn't watch the Hockey Game, but he saved me some misery as my team lost 4 - 0 !
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