Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Happy Thanksgiving

What crazy weather we're having, and everyone seems to agree, no matter where they live !
I was chatting with my friend from grade school, who still lives in the North, she's thinking about coming down to visit, and I told her it was very pleasant 80 degrees, it was -23 where she was ... way too cold for so early in the year ... and they have already had a major blizzard !  It rained here, again, only 4 days ago, but I won't complain about the temperature here, even if it is over cast and grey again today.
Into PV but our papers weren't ready ?! and so we still have 2 more trips.  I've been through this in the USA and it isn't straight forward dealing with Immigration anywhere.  Luckily the Information woman at the front desk is a Saint, who speaks English. She really deserves a box of Tim Horton donuts, but since those aren't available here, I would love to bring her a
famous Yelapa Pie on the last visit.
The 8:30 am Taxi is running now, but it won't be till after American Thanksgiving that the
Tourist Season is in full swing.  I must check on all the afternoon times leaving PV, as I have
guests arriving soon.  I think there is a 5:30 and even a 6:30 from Boca, but they arrive after
dark, which I don't recommend for your first time, or you've been away for a while, or you are checking in to a rental.  Coming home is one thing, but learning your way around a new place, in the dark, can leave yourself open for avoidable mishaps, like fumbling around for the light switch, losing your flashlight, missing a step, not checking the bed and pillows 
properly, leaving your suitcase open or your valuables on the kitchen table over night, etc. etc.etc. A big part of the adventure is getting here, but you don't want to start with the biggest one first !  at least I wouldn't. I time my trips around the new and full moon as much as possible, especially in Jan/Feb/Mar.  It's pretty obvious how the moon and the sea communicate around those times, and I prefer to watch from my house, rather than a boat. 
And ALWAYS keep your hands and fingers in the boat,  AWAY from the sides especially at
the pier, and don't be a show off !   Focus.  When you walk around, Go Slow and Lift your Feet.   Don't stick your hands, face, nose, feet etc., anywhere you can't see what's there,
remember to shake everything ... then you should be fine !  Sweeping the Casita and wiping the Kitchen counters, I killed 3 Scorpions within a few hours.  I saw them way before they got close to me, because I was very very careful, and was going slow.  That's one reason why Mexican Woman are seen, and depicted, sweeping everywhere and everything ... getting rid of those bad bugs. We have learnt with Sting Ray how important staying sedentary is after the Sting, keep the poison centralized as much as possible.  Poor guy found out the hard way, but back on the trail the other day, so that's good news .  Searching PV for the Anti Venom, to keep on hand.
...speaking of Fish ... the Vinny caught a fish so big the other day, it was hanging over both sides of the boat ... I'm not kidding ... A Needle Fish, Spear Fish, not sure, but big ... very big.
He cleaned it in the Bay because he probably needed to be tied up to something to get around it ? What a scene, him pulling into the bay with this giant prize, almost bigger than his boat.  All the other boats come round to get a look, of course, and I watched through the binoculars, until it got too messy.  I feel for the Fish sometimes, I really do, and I know I'm not alone, but I'm not going to stop eating them anytime soon. I haven't cleaned and gutted the one I said I would this summer, try again next summer, maybe after I do that, I won't eat them anymore ?
I had a converstion ! with Fast Eddy aka CrazyEnrique, on the path the other day.  He was
a little anxious about something that had happened the night before, I have no idea what, but that reminded him of a story he began to tell me, and before he could deliver the ending he started laughing, uncontrolably, almost, although trying his best to get out the ending.
He laughed so hard it got me laughing and we were both in tears on the path.  I was understanding 1/14 th of what he was saying, but it was something about the old days and
Primitvo ? finding out he had Cancer ? and killing himself with an emergency flare from one of the boats ? ... put it under his chin and blew his head off  ?  I must have missed something, because that doesn't sound very funny to me, but it had us in stitches !
Mix that with the Fish story and you  have one special, crazy place ! 
I have the picture of Enrique in a nice frame ready to give to him, we shall see what his reaction is.  He can't say Thank You Kelley; he doesn't know my name.

I have sad news from Canada, Rick Kennedy, a dear friend from Childhood died, at 54 yrs.
Cancer. It hasn't sunk in yet.  That's 3 of my guy pals, dead in 2 years. I had a lovely lunch with Rick, and his wife and Fraser 2 years ago, both men on Chemo then, and both gone now.  Rest in Peace you guys, and keep watching over me .... all my love always ...
tu amiga

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